Monthly Archives: May 2013

Hello there, ladies and gentlemen.

Are you ready to rock? That’s right, within seconds there’s already a Cheap Trick reference. This is  a blog that will focus on music, and other subjects like film, art, tv, and sometimes even baseball. The title “See My Way” comes from a ridiculously underrated song by Blodwyn Pig, a british band from the late 60’s.  If you don’t know it, check it out. Steven Tyler has actually admitted that the riff for “Mama Kin” comes from “See My Way”. You can kind of hear that, although the song has the vibe of a maximum energy MC5 anthem, but without the politics. There’s also this sinister breakdown in the middle that sounds like Black Sabbath performing Ravel’s Boléro at the world’s most intense Mexican bullfight. Keep in mind, this came out in 1969, the year before Sabbath’s debut.

Anyway, I’m hoping this can be a fun place, almost like a hang-out. It would be great to hear from all of you. The comments section will hereby be unofficially known as “see your way”. So, as Phil Lynott liked to ask, “Are you out there?!!”